Application for android i go home instruction. Choosing the best navigator for pedestrians

Help 28.10.2020

Going to the forest for mushrooms is a traditional Russian pastime in which knowledge and experience have always played an almost decisive role. Mushroom places were secretly reported by word of mouth, beginners learned to distinguish mushrooms and walk through the forest under the guidance of "experienced", and cooking recipes were inherited. Now, along with a knife, a basket and mosquito repellent, a smartphone has become one of the main attributes of silent hunting lovers. Non-greedy mushroom pickers post information about fertile meadows on social networks, and applications help to find, recognize, not get lost and conserve. We have made a review of Internet services so that the summer of 2018 becomes mushroom for you.

Starting with the Basics

The application will help to study the theory of mushroom science "Handbook of the mushroom picker". The Mushroom Articles section has everything from tips for beginner mushroom pickers to recommendations on how to recognize mushroom poisoning and provide first aid.

All questions will be answered

Each mushroom is classified on the basis of edibility and is described in great detail - appearance, features, habitat.

Learn about the edibility of the mushroom

A full description of each type is available

In addition, a mushroom calendar is available in the application - the developers put the ripening dates of each mushroom into a separate table, which is quick and easy to navigate.

The application has a convenient mushroom calendar

Let's move on to practice

So, the theory has been studied, and now you can go into the forest, where getting lost is as easy as shelling pears. Moreover, not only beginners, but also experienced mushroom pickers sin with this. Every year, rescuers take thousands of unlucky quiet hunters out of the forests of Russia. You can also lose a car in the forest - such cases happen quite often.

If you do not have a navigator and the mushroom picking is not expected to be very long, try using the program "I'm Going Home Lite". The application starts a connection with GPS immediately after opening, and if the map of the area you plan to travel is already loaded, you can safely turn off the mobile Internet, thereby significantly reducing smartphone battery consumption.

First you need to put a dot where you enter the forest or, for example, where you leave the car. The application will give you the coordinates of this place and offer to rename the destination for convenience.

The track will begin to be written independently, and whether the screen of the smartphone is turned off does not matter. We found a clearing with mushrooms - you can also mark this goal in order to return at any time (the points are stored in the program's memory).

Points are stored in program memory

To get to the starting point, you just need to click on the appropriate point and follow the voice prompts. Well, or just keep an eye on the screen so as not to deviate much from the path laid by the navigator. At the same time, at any time you can see what distance is left to the target and at what speed you are moving.

The navigator paves the way in a straight line

And shows the remaining distance

An expert in your pocket

If you are a novice mushroom picker, then it is better, of course, for the first time to go with an experienced friend who will tell you which mushrooms are edible and which ones you should not even touch. But if there is no such comrade, a smartphone will come to the rescue again. Application "For mushrooms" quite accurately determines which mushroom is in front of you. To do this, you can use both a mechanical method (by choosing the parameters of the fungus on your own), and automatic detection - using a photo from the scene.

Not everyone needs a full-fledged car navigator with a countless set of often unclaimed features. Sometimes there is a need for the simplest and easiest voice navigation application that will simply allow a hiker or traveler to find their way to their starting point.

So, we bring to your attention an excellent application "I'm going home", which is simply obliged to settle in the smartphones of mushroom pickers, hunters, scouts, hikers and other people who often find themselves in forests or on unfamiliar rough terrain. Now you can be sure that you will never get lost.

You must understand that the main task of this navigator is to lead you to the starting point. The program is very simple, but copes with its purpose with a bang. There are no maps, compasses, sensors. The main possibility is to correct the direction of movement of the smartphone owner to the starting point with the help of voice prompts. At the same time, you must understand that the application will not guide you along the reverse route, but along the shortest path to the house (starting point). Therefore, if you saw a quagmire or cliff in front of you when returning, go around them. The program will not replace your eyes, but after rounding the obstacle, it will again continue to lead you to the house in a straight line, correcting the route. If necessary, you can use Google Maps - the application is compatible with them.

Price: Free


The algorithm for working with the navigator looks something like this:

1. Launch the application
2. Turn on GPS
3. We are waiting for the coordinates of your location at the moment (displayed in a gray box) - these will be the coordinates for the return
4. Press the menu button on the phone and select "Record" from the menu that appears
5. Next, you will be asked to write down the coordinates in the form of a word: for example, "Camp". After that, click "Record and select."
6. That's it, now that the coordinates of the conditional "home" are entered into the smartphone, you can turn off the program or even the smartphone itself. Then, when you need to find the way to the "home", just launch the navigator and press the green "Let's go home" button.

It is clear that you can drive a lot of such conditional "houses" into the program and then simply choose the right one from them.

As you can see, "I'm going home" is an ideal navigator for mushroom pickers, berry pickers, hunters and hikers in its simplicity and necessary capabilities, which will not let you get lost. The program works on devices with Android version 2.1 and higher and support for GPS navigation.

Installing the program is simple. Download the installation file with the .apk extension, upload it to your smartphone and start installing the application.


When I go home from work, for example, I don’t even think about the route. Yes, and you, friends, daily following the path familiar to you, also do it automatically. But such a mechanism works only for routes that are well known to us. How do you behave in an unfamiliar area?

Personally, I’m quite good at navigating in a new environment for myself, both in the city and in nature (I try to get out more often). And this autumn, I really got carried away with “silent hunting”. Having visited almost all the nearby forests of our region, this autumn I decided to broaden my horizons.

I must say that the forests, of course, are far from the Siberian taiga. But you must admit that in an unfamiliar territory with an area of ​​​​even a couple of thousand hectares, it is quite possible to get lost. And since I actively use digital technology, I wanted to install some kind of navigation application on my smartphone and test it in a wooded area.

After some research, I settled on an application that is called "I'm going home." In general, you can find a bunch of Android applications for navigation, but almost all of them are somehow related to maps, compass, etc.

In the same application, everything is extremely simple: you only listen to voice commands and accurately go to the intended goal. The main condition for the program to work is the good work of the GPS receiver. Now almost every smartphone has this device, but just in case, make sure that your gadget is equipped with it.

The procedure for working with the application is as follows:

  1. Turn on the GPS receiver.
  2. We launch the application.
  3. We are waiting for the coordinates of our location.
  4. Assign a name to the resulting point (goal management).
  5. We start moving.

That, in fact, is all. After determining the coordinates, I named the point of my location "Car near the forest" and went for mushrooms. By the way, to save battery power while walking through the forest, you can close the application and turn off the GPS receiver. Do not worry, the recorded coordinates will not go anywhere from this.

After a few hours, tired but satisfied, I was getting ready for the car. I launched the application with the receiver, pressed the one and only button "Let's go home", put the smartphone back in my pocket and started moving. In which direction my car was, I had no idea.

After some time of movement in a straight line, the program periodically began to report in a pleasant female voice how many degrees and in which direction I need to deviate in order to return to the starting point. After 20-30 minutes, I went out exactly to the car, took out a smartphone from my pocket and closed the application. Everything is simple.

But you need to understand that the application does not lead you back along your own, but along the shortest route. Therefore, if on the way you meet an obstacle (swamp, etc.), then just go around it. Then the program will still correct your route.

Thus, mushroom pickers can use the program "I'm going home" not only to return from the forest to the car, but vice versa. It makes sense, being in a mushroom place, to mark this point in the application in the same way, and then just come to it by voice prompts next year.

Obviously, not only mushroom pickers, but also hunters, fishermen, can use this application. Yes, I forgot to say: the basic version of the program is free, but ads are shown on the screen. The paid version has no ads and it is possible to use Google maps.

For example, advertising does not interfere with me, since the phone is mostly in my pocket while the program is running. So the functionality of the free version is enough. Which one to use is up to you. Here is such a simple but useful navigator I tested in the forest.

Friends, but no program is immune from failures and errors. When it rains, the smartphone can get wet, and the battery can run out at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, I recommend only in the company of people who know the forest. And it will not be superfluous to master the basic techniques of orienteering on the ground. Have a nice holiday!

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Please configure on MIUI firmware and Android above 5: Settings - battery and performance - battery saver - background mode of applications - IID - no restrictions. This will keep the application from falling asleep.
"I'm going home" is a great navigator for all those who prefer to listen to directions, rather than trying to figure out where to turn by looking at their mobile phone. The application "I'm going home" is perfect for hunters, mushroom pickers, fishermen, and just all those who love hiking, but are afraid to get lost. Excellent accuracy and a pleasant voice interface make this program irreplaceable.

The light version differs from the older version in that there is no permission to send SMS (because many users are afraid of this) and internal voice packets are cut out (this is done to reduce the size of the program). You can download packages using the button in the "download packages" menu.

If you like to go to the forest for mushrooms and are afraid of getting lost there, then you can install a program that will lead you out of the forest anyway.
Hundreds of navigation programs that focus on route guidance and a visual interface are written for Android. This program focuses on sound prompts and distance guidance. You can just put your phone in your pocket and listen to what your phone is saying to you. The advantage is that your hands will not be busy with the phone, and your eyes will be free, because this is very important in the forest, and it is unlikely to lose or drop the phone.

You have to get from point A to point B - this is the main task of the program. If you think that there are a huge number of such programs, then you are very much mistaken. The paths along the roads on the map, and along which you are led, are laid by navigators. But what if there is only a direction, but there is no road (forest, desert, etc.). Also, compasses are great for showing direction, which you can use too. But you use them, holding them in your hand, and see which direction the arrows show you, then hide the phone and move on. If you stray off course, you will need to repeat everything again. But it seems that it will be much more convenient if your phone, being in your pocket, corrects your path and tells you where to go. That is why the application "I'm going home" is considered very comfortable.

In some cases, the program can be used:
1. When you are going to the forest for a walk, you need to put an end to the edge of the forest, and when you return home, this program will guide you to the place from which you came with the help of voice prompts.
2. If you have already collected mushrooms in a clearing that is unknown to you, and you want to come here again next weekend, you just need to score a point in the database called “Mushrooms here!”. And on the weekends you can get back there.
3. If you have no desire to open the map by checking the azimuth, and you do not know the rugged terrain, you can also use this application.

Follow voice prompts by GPS coordinates. It is developed for mushroom pickers, berry pickers, hunters, for snowmobile drivers, camel drivers, and indeed for everyone who walks on rough terrain, as well as who walks on small boats, usually not burdened with navigation systems, and wants to return back.

Distributed file type: Program
Year of issue: 2014
Developer: rausNT
Platform: Android 2.1+
Version: v1.0.54 Lite and v1.1.54 Pro
Interface language: Russian
License: Pro-Free (varies by version)
Installer type: apk

Before using it, it is important to understand the following conceptual points that distinguish it from other analogues.
1. The program does not have a graphical display of the route or direction of movement, compasses, levels, levels above sea level, magnetometers and other whistles, with the exception of the text dubbing of the voice direction selected by the user in the settings (optional). This is its essence and value. She has one task: to correct the direction of your movement by voice, telling you how to return Home.
2. The program does not take you back. The program guides you along the shortest straight line to the "Home". Therefore, if you are an Indiana Jones who successfully walked through the Aztec maze before returning, or a scout who walked through a minefield, please refrain from using this program. If a swamp, a ravine or a windbreak, a dragon's lair, a fence with a sign “STOP! The passage is prohibited, the border of the post "please go around it, making your own decision, the program will still correct your return to" Home ", but does not replace your eyes and ability to adequately perceive the surrounding reality.
3. The word "House" should never be taken literally. It's not a building with a street number and name. Dom is an untranslatable Russian idiom denoting a place of return. It can be a tourist camp, a mushroom meadow, a car left on the side of the forest, a treasure buried in the forest, as well as a lost comrade, the search for which you can easily organize with the help of this program. It is important to understand that "Home" is a symbol of a point in space, the coordinates of which are pre-selected in advance and saved by you as a cusp. Therefore, before you start your journey, make sure that you save the coordinates of the "home".
4. The program does not need maps. The program does not need installed voice packages. Everything has already been done for you. Everything works out of the box, i.e. from the moment of installation the program is completely ready to work.
5. Briefly work with the program can be described as follows:
a. Being at the point where you want to return (hereinafter referred to as Home), run the program.
b. After establishing a connection with GPS satellites, save the coordinates of "Home" and turn off the phone.
c. Boldly set off on a journey, defying danger.
d. When you want to return "home" - just turn on the phone, run the program when you are ready - click on the "Let's go home" button.
e. When you hear the words: “start moving,” put your phone in your pocket and move in any direction. After a few steps, the voice will correct your movement. Correction occurs by indicating the number of degrees by which you need to turn left or right and voicing the approximate distance to the "home".

v 1.1.54
* Changed the order of work with the database. Now it's easier and more convenient!

The difference between the Pro version and Lite:
- The pro version has support for Google maps and no ads.
- the lite version differs from the older version in that there is no permission to send SMS (because many users are afraid of this) and internal voice packets are cut out (this is done to reduce the size of the program). You can download packages using the button in the "download packages" menu.

In distribution:
Lite version with ads and old Pro version without ads.

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